Welcome to the Cable Bundle for u-He ACE – 192 patches for ambient, house, minimal & trance by CFA-Sound for this one of a kind sounding analog modelled synthesizer by german synthesizer gurus of u-He.
– 192 Patches for u-He ACE
– suitable for ambient, house, minimal & trance
– economic cpu-usage
– sorted in categories
u-He ACE 1.0 or higher
The Bundle includes
Let the cables dance! Not many synthesizers get well-known like th ACE so fast – why? Because the ACE sounds absolutely great and this soundset shows how analog and fat he can sound. The CFA-Sound CableDance soundset includes 64 ACE patches with a plenty of phat basses and stirring synthsounds, alongside with rough sequences, weird fx-sounds and analog drumsounds. A must-have for everyone using ACE for electro, house & minimal!
The second CFA cable-series soundset – 64 u-He ACE presets with amazing trance sounds for the little cable-monster, hereby demonstrating again why it is the new reference among all vst-synths. Beautiful pluck sounds, outstanding key-synths, alongside with dynamic and massive leadsounds, together with pushing basses and amazing pads. This soundset shows just like the first one how incredible this synth is. This soundsets focuses on trance, house and also hardtrance.
It’s arrived: CableSphere, the third CFA-Sound soundset for u-He ACE. This collection of carefully selected sounds includes smooth analog sounds, weird fx, groovy and straight sequences and, as a special: wavetable sounds! No, that’s absolutely right: due to it’s mapping generator ACE can use self-drawn wavetables, giving access to completely new sound facettes.
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I was just amazed as i heard the demo of the first sound set for the ACE, “Cable Dance”. I got this synth brandnew so this soundset showed me how powerful this crazy thing can be. Never faced so many useful sounds in one set before. Meanwhile I own all the Soundset, “CableDance”, “CableForce” and “CableSphere” and I use them almost daily in my prodcutions. You don’t need anything else to create a cool club track!

The vast majority of the patches fall into the bass and synth categories, and range from fat round (CableGuy Bass) to the bright and edgy (SmackSnack Synth). Overall, sounds are very crispy and responsive, demonstrating ACE`s architecture well. The only thing lacking is a few more sequences and effects patches. Verdict – 8/10

Zunächst wirkt das alles eher unaufregend und „normal“, aber im Zusammenspiel sind es genau die Sounds, die man prima als i-Tüpfelchen brauchen kann.

Die Bässe wirken etwas poppiger und voluminöser, die Synthsounds harmonischer als bei CableDance. Das Highlight sind hier die Leads, mit denen man typische fette Hooklines spielen kann. Hier sägen die Oszis, dass es nur so einen Freude ist, und die eingebauten Effekte tun ihr Übriges für jede Menge Hypaa-Hypaa-Sound.

In short CableSphere is a solid set, but make sure to listen to the audio demo to see if it has the type of sounds you are after. For a more complete array of sounds it might make sense to get the whole Cable series of soundsets instead.

Die Pads würde ich „typisch modular“ nennen. Wiederum sehr fett und nach vorne arbeitend, aber etwas einfacher zu beherschen als bei CableForce. Die Wavetable-Sounds wirken teils kühl und schneidend, liefern aber Wellenformen, die man von einen solchen Modularsynth nicht unbedingt erwartet hätte. Auch hier also wieder fast nur brauchbares Material ohne Ausschussware.